Jan 8, 2022
It's the the New Year and that changes nothing in regards to the way dummies (technical term) understand science and despite going 0 for 99 on successfully explaining anything at all to dumb people, DJ gives it another try by all but proving that there is actually a difference between something that doesn't work 100% of the time and something that works 0% of the time. (Hint: That's why 100 and 0 are two completely different numbers.)
Also on today's show: DJ wins the best BIMPY of them all, how similar condoms and vaccines are, why Pluto is a planet (f*ck you, Neil), how treason works, the newest evolution of "Keep You Near" and MORE!
This ain't your mom's lunch box.
Sadly, despite paying full royalties on the BOX, the RIAA "antipiracy" department has rules against using copyrighted material without permission on the podcast replay, so you won't hear anything except direct submissions here, but you can still catch all the music from the show when the BOX runs live, Thursdays at noon on 99WNRR.com
Be social with DJ and Revel 9:
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#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #todaysrant #99wnrr
#streamingradio #radiohost #culture #lifestyle
#dummies #science #happynewyear #condoms #vaccines #pluto #BIMPY
#treason #theories #statistics #vaccinesfordummies #keepyounear