Jan 15, 2022
DJ has plenty to say about the "rights" to vote - yes, plural - and walks us through the importance of voting, what the "Freedom to Vote" Act says and what it would actually do and why some people *cough* Republicans *cough* hate it so much. Oh, and why they still think there was voter fraud when there wasn't.
Also on today's show: could this be the end of The Top Twenty, the myriad ways Matt Gaetz is a complete douche, why Floridians are looking dumber and dumber for supporting their sex-trafficking Congressman, another episode of The Talk Twenty (w/ Rauli V) and MORE!
This ain't your mom's lunch box.
Sadly, despite paying full royalties on the BOX, the RIAA "antipiracy" department has rules against using copyrighted material without permission on the podcast replay, so you won't hear anything except direct submissions here, but you can still catch all the music from the show when the BOX runs live, Thursdays at noon on 99WNRR.com
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#voting #voterfraud #democrats #republicans #florida #gaetz
#sextrafficing #freedomtovote #thetoptwenty #thetalktwenty