Dec 15, 2020
This week on the BOX...
DJ is hella disappointed in Long Island bands. He talks about sales, shares and all-around support for the new REVEL 9 record that releases globally and digitally, tomorrow. He points out that while the local fans have been beyond great, the only support he's gotten from ANY Long Island- or NYC-based band has been from Craving, Something Heavy and Jackknife, all of whom were somehow involved in the project anyway.
He also points out that PA, NJ & CT bands have been quite supportive and are way more what DJ would have expected from his local scene considering how long he's been a part of it. The lesson is definitely being learned here, but DJ is unsure how that is going to look once the world starts getting back to normal. He admits he doesn't hold many grudges, but he does hold some. And this is shaping up to be a doozy.
How R9 chose the recording studio for DKH, dealing with an uppity chat, what "The Top 20" might look like and MORE!
This ain't your mom's lunchbox.
Sadly, despite paying full royalties on the BOX, the RIAA "antipiracy" department has rules against using copyrighted material without permission on the podcast replay, so you won't hear anything except direct submissions here, but you can still catch all the music from the show when the BOX runs live, Thursdays at noon on