Jun 24, 2023
This week, DJ uses his “Common Sense-o-meter.”
Also on today’s show: three steps back, the dumbest person in Congress, walking across Mexico for a chance, record profits a la “inflation,” Math 101, USWNT heads to the World Cup, soap operas come first and MORE!
This ain’t your mom’s lunch box. #onthebox
Be social with DJ and Revel
#youtuber #revel9 #hardrocklunchbox #thetoptwenty #todaysrant #99wnrr #streamingradio #radiohost #advice #culture #lifestyle #rabbitears #antenna #commonsense #threestepsback #boebert #congress #walking #mexico #chance #profit #inflation #exxonmobil #amazon #venturecapitalists #rentcontrol #publichousing #math101 #uswnt #worldcup #soccer #soapopera